Make a Kinder World

Using Your Special Gifts of Kindness

Everyone Is On Their Own Kindness Path
Everyone Can Share Kindness Forward

Kindness starts with you

WHAT CAN I DO? The answer to this common question starts with recognizing that you already have the Power of Kindness. You are already on your Kindness Path. You have already begun to answer a Kindness Call to Action. You are already helping to Create a Kinder World.

While there will be many different steps along anyone's Kindness Path, here's a simple way to think about Traveling Your Kindness Path. The first steps (Self-Kindness, Acts of Kindness for Others, and Creating Kindness Communities) are for the recipient's direct benefit. This is how most people think of Kindness and is what most people do. This is often called Retail Kindness.

The other Kindness Steps (Teaching Kindness, Spreading Kindness Forward, and Leading Kindness Projects) are called Wholesale Kindness. In other words, Retail Kindness directly Benefits People. In contrast, Wholesale Kindness is directed towards Kindness Institutions or Activities.

There are many other Kindness Steps along any Kindness Path, and groups, organizations, companies, and people can also promote and practice Kindness. Besides more Retail Kindness, the world also needs more Wholesale Kindness. Companies can sponsor and encourage employees to engage in Kindness Projects and promote their results. Groups and organizations, and even young people not in school, can help teachers and families Teach Kindness. Imagine if more groups, communities, and companies engaged in and shared their stories of, Different Kinds of Kindness activities, projects, and steps. You will inspire others and increase the amount of Kindness in the world.

Your Kindness Path Never Ends. It is a Lifetime Experience, and you are part of a Global Kindness Movement. So, first, read more Your Kindness Roadmap, an animated mini-book. Then, explore some of the Kinds of Kindness in the following tabs. Remember, Kindness Matters Now.